ConChem Labs

ConChem Labs has developed some of the most innovative and effective, state-of-the-art corrosion prevention technologies to help extend the lifespan of reinforced concrete structures. Our corrosion inhibitors are one of the best in the industry, designed to enable sustainable and durable infrastructure. Long-lasting infrastructure with minimal expense on reconstruction, repairs, and rehabilitation is a direct saving for the national economy.

Best-in-Class Offerings

Sepocem TTCI

D-Fend I



Key Customer

Customer Testimonials

We are using Sepocem TTCI from Conchem Labs in the structures of our packages in NMSCEW. Compared to liquid inhibitors, the dosage is very low. This helps in saving the space at site as well as reduces the use of plastic containers/drums, which are otherwise used for liquid inhibitors. This makes Sepocem TTCI environment friendlier than liquid inhibitors.

Sepochem TTCI from M/s. Conchem Lab has been evaluated at reputed at institutes like CSIR CECRI and IIT Mumbai as informed. As a measure against corrosion protection, it overcomes the limitation of fusion bonded epoxy coating. The product is being used as the replacement of Fusion Bounded coating of rebars in Mumbai Pune Missing Link Project.

Conchem Labs has been supplying their Sepocem TTCI corrosion inhibiting admixture in our project- Samruddhi Expressway, Package 2. It satisfies all the client requirements. Sepocem TTCI has specifications which exceed those of liquid inhibitors. It is a promising product for protection of steel rebars.

We are using the powder Corrosion Inhibitor "Sepoem TTCI, supplied by Ms. ConChem Labs, Mumbai, India", in our CAISSON construction at Mult Jetty for the protection of steel reinforcement in concrete as the caisson is submersed in the sea. The application of this corrosion inhibitor found easy. There is no reduction in the concrete strength when we done cube test.